perm filename REF[0,BGB]4 blob sn#113298 filedate 1974-07-28 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	{Q<NαREFERENCES.λ30P110FA}
C00005 00003	[Duda] Duda, Richard O. and Hart, Peter E.
C00007 00004	[Gipps]
C00008 00005	[McCarthy 64]
C00010 ENDMK
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[Castaneda] Castaneda, Carlos
	Journey to Ixtlan

[Coxeter 61] Coxeter, Harrold S. M.
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[Coxeter 63] Coxeter, Harrold S. M.
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	Stanford University, August 1970.

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	"Computer Representation of Simply Described Scenes";
	Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, SAILON-52;
	Stanford University, 1969.

	"Computer Processing of Line Drawings";
	ACM Computing Surveys volume 6 number 1
	March 1974

	Model Based (Intermediate-Level) Computer Vision.
	Standford A.I. Memo AIM-201. 1973.


	Computer Recognition of Three Dimensional Objects.
	Project MAC Technical Report, 1968.

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	Computer Control of a Machine for Exploring Mars

[McCarthy 67]
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[McCarthy 68]
	McCarthy and Hayes.
	Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence

	Machine Perception of Three Dimensional Solids
	Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report #315, 1963.


	Camera Models and Machine Perception.
	Stanford Artificial Intelligence AIM-121, 1970.
	Sutherland, I.E., Spro


	Warnock,J.E.,"A Hidden-Line Algorithm for Halftone Picture Representation,"
	Technical Report 4-5, Department of Computer Science,
	University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 1968.